Consolidated Statements of Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets

(in thousands)

2012 2011
Operating Revenues and Other Additions
Tuition and fees $479,721 $439,074
Less: Tuition scholarships and fellowships (210,020) (174,078)
Net tuition and fees 269,701 264,996
Grants and contracts (Note 18) 110,738 103,731
Contributions 34,642 29,725
Accumulated investment return distributed (Note 6) 94,232 87,895
Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises 200,562 195,223
Other sources 39,245 36,408
Total operating revenues 749,120 717,978
Net assets released from restrictions (Note 14) 186,470 166,109
Total operating revenues and other additions 935,590 884,087
Operating Expenses
Instruction 332,299 318,919
Research 115,840 104,707
Public service 32,229 19,299
Academic support 57,619 55,404
Student activities and services 38,151 36,841
General administration and support 185,021 181,757
Auxiliary enterprises 181,832 168,714
Total operating expenses 942,991 885,641
Decrease in unrestricted net assets from operations (7,401) (1,554)
Non-Operating Changes in Unrestricted net Assets
Contributions 3,158 4,906
Investment income (Note 6) 33,594 36,911
Net gain on investments (Note 6) 63,481 543,749
Accumulated investment return distributed (Note 6) (94,232) (87,895)
Net gain/(loss) on debt-related derivative instruments (Note 12) (34,406) 2,046
Net assets released from restrictions (Note 14) 41,619 42,314
Net pension and postretirement benefits-related changes other than net periodic benefits costs (Note 13) (47,936) 62,128
Other non-operating changes 8,501 1,704
Increase/(decrease) in unrestricted net assets from non-operating activities (26,221) 605,863
Increase/(decrease) in unrestricted net assets $ (33,622) $604,309

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.